
Metal One group Company

Who is Nifast?

Global One Voice Solution. Simplifying your complicated component management.

Who is Nifast?

5 Core Values

  • Sourcing
    Global and
    Local Integration

  • Supply
    One Voice and
    Intelligent JIT

  • Quality

  • IT Platform
    Global Optimized

  • Background
    and Generalists

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Metal One Mitsubishi Corporation Sojitz

Building on the expertise of Metal One and the leading Sogo-shoshas of Mitsubishi Corporation and Sojitz Corporation, we provide global solutions for fastening components and automotive parts.



Sourcing. Global and Local Integration

Conventional Situation Local scale vendor selection

Typical choices of sourcing are usually very limited and selecting those are time consuming.
And moreover, it is difficult to find good local vendors.

New World with Nifast Global and Local Integration

As a solution partner, we provide the best consolidated line-up of vendors to you.

  • A large group of qualified vendors around the world, selected through our vendor approval system.
  • Continuous effort to propose qualified / cost competitive vendors to our customers.
  • Network to reach out to a line-up of high-quality local vendors to drive localization.

Our values “Sourcing” in detail


Supply. One voice and Intelligent JIT

Conventional Situation Manual and Multiple Supply Placement

Typically there are too many tedious tasks, due to handling multiple vendors for each automotive part and components.

The work is rather repetitive and energy consuming regardless of their size or importance.

New World with Nifast One Voice and Intelligent JIT

Nifast can alleviate all of your repetitive tasks and manage your inventory allowing you to focus on your larger priorities.

Nifast’s expertise is in dealing with troublesome parts such as fastening components.

Our values “Supply” in detail


Quality. Complete Ownership

Conventional Situation Distributed Responsibility

Quality management responsibility is spread among many different processes in the supply chain.

This system may cause lack of actual focus on vendor quality and product quality which will cause operational problems.

New World with Nifast Complete Ownership

Nifast takes the responsibility in ensuring the whole process based on high standards of quality management. Here are examples of our quality commitment.

  • All suppliers are fully vetted and approved in accordance with out robust vendor approval process.
  • Our system is set up to prevent shipment of unapproved / nonconforming product to our customers.
  • In the event a nonconformance is identified, Nifast has the capability of tracing the part back to the raw material source.

Our values “Quality” in detail


IT Platform. Global Optimized System

Conventional Situation Local Operational system

Managing communication requirements (lead time, parts, distance, language) with a myriad of vendors can be troublesome.

With growth comes increased complexity. As vendors in the supply chain increase so do the components and interactions that require management.

New World with Nifast Global Optimized System

Streamlining communication through Nifast allows for seamless trouble free management of production in the same quality, wherever you are.

Our system focuses on “optimizing delivery timing”, “calculating future volume” and “adjusting for lead time of all parts”.

Our values “IT platform” in detail


Background. Specialists and Generalists

Knowledge and Expertise based on the foundation of Japan’s top trading companies
  • Leading trading companies called Sogo-shoshas of high capability in finance, credit and global knowledge are the shareholders of Metal One.
  • Metal One is the parent company of Nifast, supporting its global sourcing platform and strategy.
  • Experienced and professional supply chain solution partner for fastening components and automobile parts on a global scale.

What's Sogo-shosha?

Our values “Background” in detail